Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I had an interview today. Wanna know how many people applied?


Wanna know how many had phone interviews?


Wanna know how many will get face to face interviews?


Am I banking on A) getting a face to face or B) getting the job?


I am beyond frustrated at this point. I am MISERABLE. However, I don’t want to sell myself short and take a different job just because it is different. I want something that pays ok, is interesting, has room for advancement and is in a somewhat stable field.

The main problem I am running into is that the competition is fierce and many people are willing to work for cheap. Not me friends. Not me.

SIGH…… the right job will come along. Right?

PS- Totally bombed the phone interview. Like in a big way.


  1. How do you KNOW that you bombed? I bet you didn't do as bad as you think you did. Besides, you need to do at least a couple of interviews to sort of get you used to the interviewing process. Interviewing is NERVE WRACKING! The thought of it makes me queasy.

  2. And how did you bomb the phone interview?

    As much as I hate to hear it, I'll just say it: when one door closes, another opens. If this isn't the job, then the right one will come along. Patience, my friend. :)

    Okay, you can kick me now. I totally hate when people say that crap to me. I know it's true, but I still hate hearing it. lol.

    SO.... now that I've annoyed you.... email me and tell me what's going on!
