Monday, April 12, 2010


To my semi-successful world.

Some days I feel successful.

Most days not.

Not for lack of trying though, I will give myself that.

The workplace is cruel is it not?

There are days when it will make you feel like you are on top of the world. That you are the smartest, most talented, competent person to ever grace the workforce.

Then without fail, just when you are positive that you, Ms. super employee, have finally found your niche in the working world it tears you down.

You may or may not find yourself crying in the bathroom, wondering how you were able to successfully complete school/training/life etc. when you are obviously such a failure.

Work. Blech.

This blog will detail my struggle in the workplace as I strive to become semi-successful.


  1. Yeah, I can definitely relate to this. I really wish I could find something to do with my life that would be REALLY FUN and would make me REALLY WEALTHY. That would be awesome.

  2. I relate 100% I'd most definitely consider myself to be a semi-successful teacher. One period a day or many one day a week, I feel like I'm great at what I do. Like I am reaching out to my students and making a difference in their lives. Then there are the days when I feel like I am merely keeping my head above water and one day, my students will say "I took Spanish in high school once, can't remember a thing."

  3. Ugh. This has been me ALL WEEK. Or rather ALL MONTH. Or maybe the year? I dunno, but I'm right there with you.

  4. I had problems at my old job. Everybody was a bunch of back stabbing women, and our boss thought she was the top shit and knew everything. She's one of those people who are so smart they are stupid. No common sense at all. Hang in there, and maybe look for something better if you aren't already?

    Oh, and thanks for letting me read! :)
